

Building Safety Product Integrator

What are the factors that affect the price of fire doors

What are the factors that affect the price of fire doors

    What are the factors that affect the price of fire doors? Now fire doors are becoming more and more common for safety. But a lot of people show coming fire door in the fire did not play the role of how big and others thought that fire door price is higher, so about fire door a lot of people think that only a valuable ornaments. In fact, the fire door price is not as valuable as you think. Here, let's talk about the factors that affect the price of fire doors.

    The primary factor that affects the price of protective doors now is the strict fire protection code. The company must be able to produce all kinds of high-quality products, and should have outstanding modern enterprise management system. In addition, at the service of different users to satisfy their different needs of the level also needs to be perfect. It should also be possible to produce fire doors for common construction, industrial construction and civilian construction. In particular, the local fire doors, which are about industrial construction sites or high risk factors, also require higher technology and stronger fire resistance and durability. These stringent specifications lead to higher capital costs for the company, which is also a factor in higher prices.

    In a affect fire door price factor is the brand of fire door, now pay attention to brand effect, this means that there are some valuable, this is not only valuable product of valuable, this price also includes a series of service, such as after-sales service, in place of the product introduction and diversified product selection and quality assurance, this is the strength of the brand. A good big brand will be more expensive. The factors that affect its price again are grades and materials, which vary greatly due to the information and the level of fire resistance of different fire doors.


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